Vehicle Removal and Impound Service

Vehicle Removal and Impound Service delray

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If you own a parking lot, office building, or other property where customers come and go, and people have to park their vehicle to do business, then you’ve likely noticed that sometimes there is a problem with people who don’t belong there parking in your area. This can be a big problem for more than just your business and is something that anyone who cares about their community should fight against. Luckily, if you’re the type to try and protect your customers and your neighbors from this sort of behavior, then Delray Beach 24/7 Towing has you covered with our vehicle removal and impound service. 

It may not seem like a big deal, but not enforcing parking rules can eventually cause a whole range of problems for everyone in the community. If you’re wondering why our vehicle removal and impounding service is a valuable asset for you, we’ll explain. 

What is Vehicle Removal and Impounding Service? 

Vehicle removal and impounding is a common service that many business and property owners take advantage of because it keeps their parking lot clean of anyone who isn’t doing business at their establishment. How the service works is, you pay us at Delray Beach 24/7 Towing to do one of two things,  we can either patrol your parking lot on a regular basis to remove any offenders, or we can be on call to remove a vehicle that doesn’t belong. In either case, our drivers will come and remove the vehicle and take it to the impound lot of your choice, where the vehicle owner will have to come and claim the vehicle and pay a fine before they may use it again. 

In most cases, the mere threat of a vehicle being towed is enough to prevent non-customers from parking in a privately owned parking lot or structure. Most customers feel the added security is well worth the effort for protecting their business and their community. 

The rules and regulations for parking are usually left up to the parking lot owner, and our drivers will enforce them in whatever form they come in to protect our local customers and neighbors. We know how important it is that everyone that shops or does business with you feel safe, and that’s why we are proud to offer this as one of our services. 

Reasons Why Vehicle Removal and Impounding is Necessary 

We’ve already talked quite a bit about how important it is to protect your neighborhood, but there are several reasons why hiring Delray Beach 24/7 Towing for our vehicle removal and impounding service is a good idea. 

For starters, every space in your parking area is a potential space for a customer. That means that if someone decides to park there illegally, you can lose a lot of revenue over time. Not only that, many customers may refuse to shop if the parking area is too crowded. In general, people don’t like to have ato fight for parking, and if your parking lot spaces are taken up by non-customers, then this can end up severely hurting your business. Even if there are empty spaces, a parking lot that just looks too full will be a detriment to some shoppers and people wanting to do business. 

Secondly, there is the customer safety factor. In many cases, people park illegally to commit crimes overnight, to sleep in their cars, or to abandon their vehicles, all of which can be a safety concern for customers and the community at large. The best way to do something about these situations and to try and prevent them is to have vehicles towed and impounded. Just the threat of penalty is enough to deter someone from parking illegally. 

Lastly, it is important to think that you may need a towing company at any time if an emergency happens. Even with modern technology, accidents still happen. People still lock themselves out of their cars, still get flat tires and dead batteries, and sometimes their vehicle just won’t start. IN these cases, a responsible business owner will have someone on standby hta they can call to help their customers out of a sticky situation. 

Beyond that, just having the peace of mind knowing that there’s someone there for you to call if you have a problem with your property is a great asset.